
Managing The Engagement

of equal importance to the quality, expertise and experience of our partners and staff is the effective deployment of these resources so that the advisory service itself yields maximum benefit to the client.

Our approach
Our advisory approach continually evolves to take account of changing tax laws and regulations in India, and development in technology. The philosophy which under pins our approach is based on five key attributes : sound professional advice; value for money; central management and control; personal commitment; and timely advise.

We attach great importance to establishing an effective basis for communication, both formal and informal. The key issues will be mutually discussed in developing our advice strategy well before the start of fieldwork. In order to build on our knowledge of the client and its operations, we invest the requisite number of hours in developing our relationship.

We seek to assure in general as to the confidentiality of information relating to the clients generally and more specifically as follows :

  • We take due care to ensure that the staff at all levels respects the confidentiality of information obtained in the rendering of services.
  • All information maintained by us relating to the clients is kept secure at all times and is not made available to any person within the firm other than the staff assigned for the work.
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