
Core Competency

  • In Indirect Taxes like VAT, Service tax, Lease Tax, Works Contract Tax, Professional Tax including Registration, Filing of Regular Tax Returns, Assessments & Appeals & Tax Planning conducting VAT audits.
  • In Direct Taxes like Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Gift Tax for corporate and non-corporate entities including Registration, Filing of regular Tax Returns, Attending Assessments & Appeals and Tax Planning.
  • In Company Law matters including incorporation of Company, Secretarial Services under Indian Companies Act, Auditing, Certification and Planning for merger and acquisition and Advising on Public Issue.
  • In Financial Consultancy including preparing business plan, Preparing Techno Feasibility Report, Liaisoning with Banks, Financial Institutions & Merchant Bankers.
  • In Management Consultancy including writing accounting manual, devising internal control system, Devising MIS, Internal Audit.
  • In Company Law matters we have active tie up with Mr. Dinesh Deora a Practicising Company Secretary and a Chartered Accountant and Ms Khyati Shah a Practicising Company Secretary. Similarly for Service Tax matters we have active Professional tie up with Shri Naresh K. Sheth, a Practising Chartered Accountant, Proprietor of N K Sheth & Co.
  • In co-ordinating services of other professionals.
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